Published: 2016-06-15
Văn hóa - Thể thao - Du lịch
A study of Ma ethnic group's food and beverage in folk literature
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15 Jun 2016
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Ma ethnic group is one of the native minorites who lived in Lam Dong Province. Studying about culinary practice of Ma Minority, we can shed light on the cultures of other thnic groups, Lam Dong Province and highland region. This current study research investigates the culinary practice via Ma's folk tales, folk poems, including origins of food and beverage, about food, famine and dreams for prosperous livings; motif in eating and drinking a lot, buffalo- eating festival. Besides, this research study also introduces present food and beverage practices of Ma Minority and its changes.
Solution for tourist attraction of Ramsar Tram Chim( Tam Nong, Dong Thap)
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15 Jun 2016
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In Vietnam there are now 8 Ramsar sites, including Ramsar Tram Chim( in Tam Nong, Dong Thap), which are recognized by the Ramsar Convention( UNESCO) as the Ramsar sites of the world. This recognition would develop the reputation of the national park and the attraction of the tourist destination with appropriate measures. The paper will present an overview of the tourist development and propose some solutions in order to improve the attraction of Ramsar Tram Chim as a tourist destination in the near future.
Improving efficiency tourism promotion activies of Ninh Thuan province from 2015 to 2020
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15 Jun 2016
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This paper is to synthesize, analyze and evaluate the tourist promotion activities implemented by Ninh Thuan Deapartment of Culture, Sport and Tourism, and Information and Tourism Promotion Centre in the period of 2009-2014, by investigating primary and secondary information sources in Ninh Thuan Province. Hereby, the paper makes an overall evaluation of the of tourist promotion activities carried out in Ninh Thuan Province in recent years, and proposes recommendations to reinforce and improve the efficency tourist promotion activities in Ninh Thuan in the future.
Spỉritual function and values of Tay Minority's Then Hat Khoan Ritual in Lang Son
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15 Jun 2016
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Based on data collected from field trips about Then Hat Khoan Ritual of Tay Ethnic People living in Lang Son, the author would like to make an outline of this traditional events as follows: - This paper introduces relevant instrumental concepts, definitions, and characteristic of Then Hat Khoan. - It also provides spiritual functions- a kind of shamanism of Tay Ethnic Group in VietNam (a study case in Lang Son). - Then Hat Khoan contains many traditional religious beliefs of the Tutelary Saint, God of Nature, ancenteors and progenitors of hunam beings. The most remarkable beliefs of all are: " Mẻ Shinh and Mẻ Biócc" (Mothers). - Then Hat Khoan is a bridge that connects the earthy world to the divine world and reality to dreams
Tâm lý học
The factors impacting students' interest in studying Fundamentals in Psychology in the Daculty of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Van Hien University
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15 Jun 2016
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Students' interest in learning is a crucial and essential factor to improve efficiency of learning a particular subject. Discovering the factors that influence students' motivation to learn to make them feel more interested in a particular subject is one of the lecturer's responsibilities. The research findings indicate the lecturer's happiness and enthusiasm afect students's interest in Fundamentals in Psychology the most.
An investigation into primary school pupils' adaptation to academic settings in Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City.
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15 Jun 2016
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Primary school pupils's adaptation to society remains limited and they also encounter a vast number of dificulties adapting to the classroom environment for academic success. This adaptation is influenced by many factors, including academic achievements, intelligence development, gender, family background, age and teachers' psychological impacts in the classroom performance. If teachers have the appropriate measures, pupils' adaptation and socializing skills will be enhanced so that they can develop more comprehensively and gain mỏe achievements at school.
Xã hội học
Hochiminh's perectives on a new type of government in Vietnam
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15 Jun 2016
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The process of forming and developing Hochiminh ideology is a result of profound absorption of theories on democratic goverments, especially about Max- Lenin doctrines, the creative application of those theories in Vietnamese particular contexts to design and build a new Governmenttruly of, by, and for people. That's why the Hochimin's perspectives on government have significant theoretical and practical values, having been being absolutely mastered by the communist Party to build a socialist legal government of, by, and for people.
The social- cultural context of Southern Vietnam form 1945 to 1954 and studies, criticism and creation of literature in that context
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15 Jun 2016
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This article describes the social- cultural context of Southern Vietnam from 1945 to 1954 and the activites of studying, criticizing, and creating literature in said context. This article portraits the import of Western philosophical and literary theories into, as well as the influence of American culture upon, Southern Vietnam during this period. It also different trends of studying, criticizing, and creating literature in Southern Vietnam from 1945- 1954.
Game play in modern literary discourse theories
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15 Jun 2016
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This paper surveys the evolution of the play concept in modern literary theories. The concept of play thus has no single definition and cannot be reduced to some accountable features. It should be seen as a subtle mechanism that lies in the operation of culture and in the construction and deconstruction the categories of epostemology by which the human mental spaces are established and underminded. The concept of play has shifted form ít concentration on the performance of play subject in romanticism's discourse to its emphasis on the deconstruction of the subject in postmodernism's discourse, seeing subject as merging with in language which is already a play system. The ideas of the playful nature of literature has also been re- evaluated. In modern paradigm, the playful nature of art involves with is autonomy, its aestheicism, its foregrounding of art forms. However, in postmodern paradigm, this aspect of art cannot be separated with the politics of culture and cannot be outside of the struggle for cultural power. These awareness of the nature of literary play not only influences the literary critism but also affects the creative writings.
Female Historian Dam Phuong- an intellectual pioneer in the early twentieth century
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15 Jun 2016
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Dam Phuong was a typical patriotic female intellectual in the early twentieth century. According to the cultural acces criteria, although Dam Phuong has been honored with different noble titles, she has been considered a national cultural celebrity and typical female cultural celebrity of the patriotic revolution in the early twentieth century.
Narrative structure in Vietnam historical novel after 1986
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15 Jun 2016
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The essay identifies, analyzes the changes in the thinking paradigm of modern narratology through of Vietnam historical novel after 1986 in terms of narrative structure. The new creative experience of the novelists such as: multilayer structure, fragmentation; co-existing structure and intertextuality structure... to reflect the reality of history and human: a realistic multi- layered, complex, multidimentsional. From terms of narrative structure, Vietnam historical novel after 1986 is a new development of historical novel in particular and Vietnam novel in general. This development is not only the image of the radiation problems of history, culture, social and intellectual framework of the space of innovations after 1986, but also in terms of renovating the novel to integrate the novel art of the world.
Identity and social visibility of translator: in the case of Vietnamese translation Hay cham soc me
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15 Jun 2016
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Since the early 2000s, translation scholars have the begun to actively research about the translator." Translator's visibility is one of the concepts to study the translator. Research of translator's visibility are usually focused on the textual visibility, paratextual visibility, including epitextual visibility and peritextual visibility and extratextual visibility of those in the case of Vietnamese translation Hay cham soc me depending on the 3 items as (1) the attitude of translator for the literary translation, (2) the relationship between the translator and publishers, and (3) the relationship between the translators and readers to investigate the social visibility of translator. This study on the social visibility of translator is to provide a starting point for beign steadfast to the status of translators in the extratext or in society, in the long run will contribute to the development of translation culture in Vietnam.
Translated Korean literature n Vietnam
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15 Jun 2016
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Although their international relation initiated quite early (in the XIII century), economic culture and lterature exchange activities between Korea and Vietnam had not had favorable conditions to develop until the late 1980s and early 1990s, when Vietnam- Korea diplomatic relation was officially established. In that context, for only over twenty years Korean literature translation in Vietnam has experienced a series ò significant development steps. This aritcle outlines a picture of translating Korean literature in Vietnam (to May 2016). From that point, the writer makes some remarks, explanations and recommedations to further improvement in the translation of Korean literature in Vietnam.
The intergative complexity of Jataka Stories
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15 Jun 2016
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Unlike most of the collections of the popular folk tales, Jataka has a model of tales in performing contexts. This grat work was coherently and cohesively constructed by gathering, restructuring and transforming hundreds of tales in the world. This paper offters and analysis of the integratrive complexity of Jataka Tales in terms of ethics, character system and logical argumentative presentation. Hereby, the paper provides a partial view of the features and roles of folktales in context.
Lịch sử văn học như là sự thách thức đối với khoa học văn học (tiếp theo và hết)
Electronic version:
15 Jun 2016