Ngày xuất bản: 2022-10-18
Human capital development in East Asia: An empirical implication for Vietnam’s education and training needs
Bản điện tử:
18 Th10 2022
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Human capital development is a contemporary issue facing Vietnam's academia, private organizations, and public policymakers. This paper illustrates Singapore as one of the highly developed countries in East Asia that successfully invests, designs, and manages human capital, asset, and resources for its economic growth. The discussion suggests certain propositions with a conceptual framework as an empirical implication to Vietnamese counterparts for further examining the relationships among human capital investment, human asset development, and human resources in the context of Vietnamese education and training needs.
Human resource planning reforms in South Korea: Implications for Ho Chi Minh city
Bản điện tử:
18 Th10 2022
| DOI:
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Human resource had inevitably been a key factor in contributing to South Korea’s high technology boom and rapid economic growth. Sharing similarities in historical situation, social and economic condition, lessons from what South Korean government had implemented to develop skilled manpower that meets economic development needs would be valuable for Vietnam situation in general and Ho Chi Minh City in particular. Firstly, this study clarified the reciprocal relation of education, human resource and economic development. Then, it focused on analyzing and finding out effective policies in human resource development of Ho Chi Minh City from South Korea’s case study.
The needs for Japanese-speaking human resources in Vietnam/ Japan, and language education
Bản điện tử:
18 Th10 2022
| DOI:
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Along with the development and deepening of the Vietnam-Japan relationship, the need for Vietnamese human resources with a certain skill in the Japanese language is getting high in various fields. In this article, we will overview this phenomenon, then see how to cope with it, focusing on language education. First of all, the kind of industry is requiring Japanese-speaking human resources, both in Vietnam and Japan, was introduced. Then we will see the necessary language education to meet such needs, including the required level of language, the current situation of Japanese language education (in Vietnam and Japan), and the characteristics you can see when they try to acquire the Japanese language. We will then consider the possibility of the development of language education as a conclusion.
A study on impact of accounting education on improving the quality of human resource accounting
Bản điện tử:
18 Th10 2022
| DOI:
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PDF (885.6K)

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To develop human resources in accounting and auditing in sufficient quantity and quality assurance based on renewal and enhancement of training and fostering; the combination of specialized training and refresher training and higher education to create high-quality human resources. At the same time, the enhancement of international integration, the establishment of close ties, and mutual recognition between Vietnam and other countries in the region, the world, and international organizations. The main aim of this paper was to address issues related to the inadequacies of the existing curriculum and pedagogies that could adversely affect the role of accountants in this increasingly hostile business environment. Using mixed research methodology, the research identifies the factors influencing the early success of graduates’ careers. Discussion on the pertaining issues in the accounting education system led to a suggestion that the existing curriculum and pedagogies be revamped. The accounting curriculum should be broadened to ensure that a broad array of generic skills, knowledge and professional attributes can be developed in accounting graduates. Moreover, to reinforce the learning process, changes in the pedagogies were inevitable. These changes were expected to bring about significant improvements to the quality of accounting graduates to ensure that they could perform exceptionally when they enter the profession.
Cultural - Sport - Tourism
Factors affecting the tourist’s behavioural of booking tours via online network in the new stage: Case of Ho Chi Minh city
Bản điện tử:
18 Th10 2022
| DOI:
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With the rapid development of society in the era of information technology, the tourism industry is also required to connect with new revolutionary technology tools to increase exploitation efficiency. In addition, recently, the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic has caused heavy damage, especially to the tourism industry in Vietnam and around the world. The article focuses on analyzing the factors affecting the Behavioural Intention of the tourist via online networks. The study was conducted using quantitative and qualitative methods based on a survey of 355 tourists in Ho Chi Minh City. The results show that the most important factor affecting the Behavioural Intention to purchase an online tour is Perceived Behavioral Control (β = 0.449), Subjective Norm (β = 0.261), and Perceived Usefulness (β = 0.230).
Linking the Mekong Delta region in the development of agriculture model in combination with tourism
Bản điện tử:
18 Th10 2022
| DOI:
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PDF (848.8K)

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Agriculture combined with tourism, or in other words, agricultural tourism is becoming one of the most popular types of tourism in our country today. Based on the theory of regional linkages and qualitative surveys, the paper analyzes the aspects and necessary conditions of agri-tourism, thereby making meaningful comments and suggestions of principles to develop tourism in combination with agriculture of 13 provinces in Mekong Delta region effectively and sustainably.
Identifying the development of high - quality tourism human resources in Vietnam when joining the international labor market and issues to solve
Bản điện tử:
18 Th10 2022
| DOI:
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The process of regional and international integration has been taking place deeply and widely in all areas of life, economy - society, including the tourism industry. The change in management, business, and consumer demand in tourism activities is setting standards on high-quality human resources in terms of quantity, qualifications, professional knowledge and professionalism when participating in tourism activities and entering the international labor market. It is also a critical point that is being set for Vietnam when implementing the strategic goal of developing tourism human resources in the process of participating in integration. The article presents a number of related contents about identifying development drivers and the overall picture of the current situation, forecasting human resource needs of Vietnam's tourism human resources up to 2030, and issues that need to be resolved, and at the same time, giving some solutions and recommendations to develop tourism human resources in Vietnam when participating in the international labor market.
Ranking criteria of university lecturers’ happiness index in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Bản điện tử:
18 Th10 2022
| DOI:
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PDF (964.2K)

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Happiness is the final goal targeted by every nation, community, and individual. It is the new pattern of economic development. However, happiness is a fuzzy concept, and much contextually depends. This study was conducted to rank the criteria of lecturers’ happiness index in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Based on the data from the in-depth interviews with 20 experts, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was applied. The research results show that the lecturer’s happiness measurement model consists of three levels. Level 2 includes five criteria with the priority orders as follows: 1) physical and spiritual health (50.9%), 2) employment and income (25.5%), 3) self-actualization (13.9%), 4) social networks (6.2%) and 5) family happiness (3.5%). Further ranking findings at level 3 confirm the highest share of non-material components in each factor. These findings are important for planning the key strategy to promote lecturers’ happiness to reach the goal of “happy school” in Vietnam.
Current status of nutritional knowledge and dietary behaviors of students at the University of Sports Ho Chi Minh city
Bản điện tử:
18 Th10 2022
| DOI:
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PDF (10.5M)

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This study investigated the relationship between nutritional knowledge and dietary behaviors of students at the University of Sports Ho Chi Minh City. A questionnaire was set up to assess the nutritional knowledge and dietary behaviors of 169 student-athletes (111 males and 58 females) with age ranging from 18 to 25. The collected data revealed that there is a close relationship between nutritional knowledge and the dietary behaviors of the students. Most students are aware of the importance of eating in moderation, and a healthy diet affects exercise results. The majority of the female (84%) and male (75%) athlete-respondents have a “good” level of nutritional knowledge. Besides, the 24-hours dietary recall survey was carried out on 43 students- marathon athletes (26 males and 17 females) aged 18-25. The results showed that the student-athlete-respondents perform heavy physical activities from Monday to Saturday every week. However, the amount of energy intake is considered inadequate compared to how many calories are needed for their daily training, even though they have day-offs. Therefore, there is a need to improve nutritional knowledge and dietary nutrition for student-athletes.