Ngày xuất bản: 2022-03-28
Phân tích các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến khả năng nhận biết mô hình thương mại công bằng của nông hộ trong sản xuất cà phê tại xã Xuân Trường, Tp Đà Lạt, tỉnh Lâm Đồng
Bản điện tử:
15 Th06 2020
| DOI:
Tóm tắt
PDF (430.9K)

Tóm tắt
Fair-trade in coffee production offers an opportunity to improve farmers’ position in the market. The research has used a multinomial logit model with the MLE method to analysis the factors affecting the awareness probability about the fair-trade model of the coffee farmers Data were collected by directly interviewing 220 farmers in Xuan Truong Commune, Da Lat City, Lam Dong Province where the fair- trade model has been applied to coffee production at the Cau Dat coffee cooperatives. The results showed that the awareness probability of farmers about the fair-trade coffee model was 21,68% while there was only 0.12% of famers knowing this but not clear. In addition, factors affecting the awareness probability in the fair-trade coffee model are educational level, experience, communication, understanding of fair-trade, and coffee cultivation; of which communication and understanding of fair-trade positively influencing the farmers' awareness.
Cultural - Sport - Tourism
Tuổi tác chỉ là con số: Đào tạo lực lượng lao động ngành du lịch đa thế hệ
Bản điện tử:
15 Th06 2020
| DOI:
Tóm tắt
PDF (855.9K)

Tóm tắt
The tourism industry's labor force is made up of multiple generations including Baby Boomers, Generation Xers, Generation Yers or Millennials, and Generation Zers. Individuals belonging to different generations do differ in values, cognitions, and behavior, potentially impacting workplace dynamics including preferred methods of training and development. For example, Generation Yers, born between 1981 and 1999 were raised in high tech, neo-optimistic era and are technologically adept; however, Baby Boomers tend to resist change and are not technologically savvy. This paper goes through the traits of various generations that make up the tourism workforce and effective training and development strategies for these generations. The benefits and outcomes of effective training strategies are also discussed.
Ảnh hưởng của hội nhập quốc tế đến nguồn nhân lực ngành du lịch ở Đông Nam Á
Bản điện tử:
15 Th06 2020
| DOI:
Tóm tắt
PDF (1M)

Tóm tắt
Tourism is one of the critical success factors for continued national development in ASEAN. Particularly, some countries such as Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam have experienced progressive growth in their tourism industry life cycle over the years. This paper attempts to explore what and how the existing international integration initiatives such as ASEAN, One Road One Belt, and CPTPP as well as international merging and acquisition activities among multinational corporations can influence tourism development in ASEAN. The discussion also provides strategic implications and suggestions to Vietnam tourism authorities for crafting a better, result-oriented tourism human resource training Master Plan capable of updating and upgrading Vietnamese travel and tour manpower's knowledge, skills, and competences to the world-class level.
Phát triển năng lực quản lý và đào tạo nguồn nhân lực du lịch trước và trong dịch vụ phù hợp với cuộc cách mạng công nghệ 4.0
Bản điện tử:
15 Th06 2020
| DOI:
Tóm tắt
PDF (731.3K)

Tóm tắt
For a sustainable future of the Tourism Sector in being still a key strategic industry in Vietnam in the context of the 4th Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0), understanding and evaluating the impact of IR 4.0 on Tourism Human Resources Training and Management is essential. The ‘PUM - Van Hien Program on Reforming the Study Program' at the Faculty of Tourism of the Van Hien University, started in 2015, is focused on creating a Practice Oriented Curriculum along the lines of Programming, Aligning, Fill-In and Look for Quality. This paper describes the relevance of and consequences for Management Competences when qualifying from a Program Oriented to a Developmental Practice Oriented Curriculum. From the Ph.D. Study 'Expansive Learning in a School Organization' (Bakker, 2015) it has become clear that Developmental Education demands unremitting reflection on the 'social development situation'. The main conditions that need to be in place for Educational Institutions would then be to grow towards 'Learning Organizations'. Investing in the quality and professionalism at all levels that should be the commitment at these institutions for the coming years. That includes the empowerment of lecturers as knowledge workers aiming at the exchange of knowledge and practises between education, research, and companies. This 'Knowledge Circulation' is of crucial importance for the realization of the knowledge-based economy and society of IR 4.0. Joint training and co-education networks will thus play an important role in competency-based Human Resource Training. The old paradigm of knowledge development within the boundaries of the education sector and knowledge exploitation in the companies has to shift to collaborative partnerships: knowledge and research output have to flow, circulate and grow in partner networks.
Đánh giá chất lượng chương trình du lịch nội địa tại tỉnh Tiền Giang
Bản điện tử:
15 Th06 2020
| DOI:
Tóm tắt
PDF (906.7K)

Tóm tắt
The purpose of this paper aims to identify some key components of service quality of domestic tourism programs in Tien Giang province. The paper shows the relationships of tourist satisfaction, loyalty and cultural contact after using tourism service in Tien Giang province based on the qualitative research and quantitative research. Data were obtained from 400 tourists who responded willingly to a questionnaire-based survey. The results of study show factors significantly including tourism infrastructure, natural environment, human resource, safety and security, service price. All of these components and cultural contact have the impact on tourist satisfaction and loyalty.
Các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến khả năng thu hút khách du lịch của điểm đến huyện Thạnh Phú, tỉnh Bến Tre
Bản điện tử:
15 Th06 2020
| DOI:
Tóm tắt
PDF (427.5K)

Tóm tắt
Being a coastal district in Ben Tre province, Thanh Phu occupies natural assets to develop rural tourism with sand dunes and mangrove forests, a network of rivers, channels, seashores, and a plentiful source of seafood. However, tourism sector in the district is not likely to develop respect with its potential as not many tourist companies consider Thanh Phu an interesting tourism destination toward their customers. Whist, understanding factors of local capacity to attract tourists is meaningful and important for provincial authorities to implement appropriate solutions in developing tourism activities in the district. Applying the five-factor model suggested by Hu and Ritchie (1993) with 205 interviewed tourists who had visited Thanh Phu, this research analyzes the factors that influence the possibility to attract visitors in Thanh Phu district, Ben Tre province to identify destination attractiveness of its tourism attributes. Research findings help to figure out suggestions and policy implications for the development of tourist attractions in the district.
Agriculture Sciences
Thực trạng phát triển nông nghiệp hữu cơ trên thế giới
Bản điện tử:
15 Th06 2020
| DOI:
Tóm tắt
PDF (198.5K)

Tóm tắt
Organic production system has been increasing significantly in both production scale, market size, and sales volume in many parts of the world. However, many politicians and academics are still anxious about the potential contributions of the organic production systems to the future development of the agriculture sector. This overview focuses on analysing the history, development status, the main strengths and weaknesses of the world organic farming that might help to provide a more obvious view on this production system. Organic farming has been demonstrated as a more sustainable way to produce food because of less resource utilization, increased biodiversity, reduced environmental impacts, and higher product safety as compared to the conventional counterpart. Organic products have also been widely evaluated to be healthier, tastier, and more environmentally friendly. However, this farming system has been facing certain difficulties in terms of productivity, ensuring food quality, product price, market accessibility, conversion duration, and conversion costs. Further works are required to identify the relative performances of different production systems regarding individual sustainability objectives.