Swathi Ravichandran *

* Correspondence: Swathi Ravichandran (email: rswathi@bgsu.edu)

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The tourism industry's labor force is made up of multiple generations including Baby Boomers, Generation Xers, Generation Yers or Millennials, and Generation Zers. Individuals belonging to different generations do differ in values, cognitions, and behavior, potentially impacting workplace dynamics including preferred methods of training and development. For example, Generation Yers, born between 1981 and 1999 were raised in high tech, neo-optimistic era and are technologically adept; however, Baby Boomers tend to resist change and are not technologically savvy. This paper goes through the traits of various generations that make up the tourism workforce and effective training and development strategies for these generations. The benefits and outcomes of effective training strategies are also discussed.

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