Published: 2014-03-15

Indentification of some major factors affecting on productivity of commercial striped catfish farming in Dong Thap province

Thien V. Tran, Duc M. Nguyen, & Hau H. Dang
Electronic version: 15 Mar 2014
Abstract | PDF (1.2M)


Striped catfish is one of leading aquatic products of Vietnam with its production clusters locate in Mekong Delta. With primary data collected via direct interviews and observation at 60 catfish farms in 2012, this study briefs current status before analyzing economic effectiveness of striped catfish commercial farming in Dong Thap province, one of largest catfish production clusters in the delta.Linear regression method is also used to construct production function and then, identify major productivity determinants of this industry in Dong Thap province. Those are fingerling stocking density, disease prevention cost and feed cost. This study also calculates optimum levels of the above determinants to get maximum productivity (estimated at 436 metric ton/ha). The farmers should stock fish at optimum density of 61 individual/m2, spend optimum disease prevention cost at 140 million VND/ha and optimum feed cost at 10.68 billion VND/ha.

The development of psychotherapy in Vietnam

Tho V. Nguyen
Electronic version: 15 Mar 2014
Abstract | PDF (1M)


Psychotherapy is a method used to treat psychological or emotional problems, mainly through conversations nication skills between a therapist and his client. other commu This article outlines the overview situation of the development of the young psychotherapy in our country, including: Psychotherapy Specialization in Medical Psychology: Since Medicine regconized mental health problems alongside with physical illnesses, this disease has attracted the researching participation of many Psychologies. Therefore, a new science was born which is the combination between Medicine and Psychology: Psychological Medicine. In Psychological Medicine there are Psychotherapy techniques. The practice of Psychotherapy in Vietnam has been undeveloped and therefore has not met the needs of patients for treatment. The education system specialized in Psychotherapy is weak and has not met the needs of the society. Van Hien University is the first that has Psychology Bachelor program specialized in Psychotherapy and counseling. In the near future, we continue this path with closer connection to hospitals to improve practice skills for students.

Innovation orientation of programs and textbooks of philology in high schools

Hung M. Bui
Electronic version: 15 Mar 2014
Abstract | PDF (6M)


This paper presents innovation orientation of program and textbooks of philology in high schools. The innovation should be conducted on many aspects: objectives, contents, teaching and test methods as well as teaching result evaluation. Instead of focusing on providing knowledge of Vietnamese language and literature, philology should help students develop the overall and specific capability of the subject, especially the communication competence in all four skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. In this way, the curriculum will not be designed according to the system of literary works and aspects of language structure but in accordance with four skills with increasing level of complexity. The teaching, test and assessment methods must be based on the target of philological capacity development of students.

Some opinions on providing undergraduate training programs on engineering - technology

Hung M. Nguyen
Electronic version: 15 Mar 2014
Abstract | PDF (385.6K)


The paper addresses a number of noticeable issues in providing undergraduate and college training programs on engineering technology in current situation. In addition to careful consideration of majors to be provided, the paper also discusses more about the contents of training, practice and internship in association with demand of socio-economic development.

Modernization and standardization in agriculture to consolidate its role of economic pillar and to adapt better with climate change

Chau T. D. Nguyen, & Duc M. Nguyen
Electronic version: 15 Mar 2014
Abstract | PDF (1.1M)


Seven years after joining the WTO, Vietnamese agriculture sector has integrated increasingly into the global economy. With the process, changes in macro economic environment have also affected on production and consumption of Vietnamese agricultural products. Previous development strategies for increasing agricultural production such as expandation of cultivation land and intensification are facing to their limits. Climate change is happening, making more troubles to producers in production and business planning. Applying advanced technologies to improve quality and to raise values of agricultural products, alongside with enforcing adopting international standards and disseminating information on the adoption would promote Vietnamese agricultural products up to a higher level in the global market and also in domestic market. Production following advanced methods and technologies with clear and tranparancy standards also enable Vietnamese agriculture in reducing risks from market fluctuation and climate changes.

Shortcomings and challenges for public debt management in Vietnam

Thai Q. Nguyen, Binh T. Nguyen, & Thinh D. Luu
Electronic version: 15 Mar 2014
Abstract | PDF (1.3M)


Public debt and public debt management problem is extremely important for any country. Especially in developing countries like Vietnam where needs of development require financial supports from denominations outside. Analysis of reality shows that problems of public debt management in Vietnam are getting many obstacles from both the subjective and objective. Analysis of debt and public debt management in Vietnam to identify existing problems and challenge not only has significant of risks limit, avoids repeating mistakes from the experience of countries in the world but also is a basis for strategic planning so that the public debts are used most effectively to meet and promote economic development and society of country.

Regulations on transfer pricing in Vietnam

Minh H. Phan, Kiem X. Tran, & Quang T. T. Phan
Electronic version: 15 Mar 2014
Abstract | PDF (527.9K)


When a foreign enterprise or a multinational company has decided to invest in an enterprise in other nation, they studied carefully the information about new market such as the potentiality, and society, economy, investment and tax policies to determine the business strategy as well as to estimate the future profits in accordance with the legal regulations in the country where the new market is located. To avoid and minimize the obstacles of double taxation for the transactions of its headquarters (in the country) and the new office (in the country where the new market is located), the company should comply with and apply regulations on transfer pricing for these transactions. The concepts of transfer pricing, anti-transfer pricing, associated companies, associated enterprises and so on have been enacted in the legal documents on taxes Vietnam since 1997. The OECD's transfer pricing guidelines only apply to enterprises with cross-border transactions; whereas, the Circulars No. 117/2005 and No. 66/2010 are applied to enterprises with cross-border associated transactions and domestic associated transactions. Moreover, the definition of associated enterprises in Vietnam is wider than that of international practice.

Marxist literary criticism in the context of knowledge globalization

Su D. Tran
Electronic version: 15 Mar 2014
Abstract | PDF (7M)


Marxist literary criticism is the result of applying the principle of Marxist philosophy and sociology that is considered advanced immutable theory. In the context of knowledge globalization today, we found out that criticism has seven major constraints, and this showed that Western Marxist theorists have had many new findings. At the same time, the Western literary criticism movements such as existentialism, structuralism, narrative, rhetoric, psychoanalysis, semiotics, reception aesthetics, explanation, post structuralism, new historicism and postmodern theory mention a range of new and interesting issues. The context shows that Marxist literary criticism is just a branch of criticism, rather than the entire literary criticism. To make progress, we should study and receive the whole world criticism open-mindedly and selectively to take the advanced level of the times.

Type crop division in type clever animal

Duong Q. M. Dang
Electronic version: 15 Mar 2014
Abstract | PDF (705.9K)


The type crop division talks about a co-production between the clever character and rival in which the clever character wisely chooses plant eties and gives clever suggestions so that the rival's choice is unbeneficial. This type has two forms: only the type crop division and more patchwork form the first part or the last part. By dividing the type crop we know the contrast between the clever character and rival character: clever and sly against greedy and stupid.

The modern German novel in South Vietnam during the period 1954-1975 in the field of translation

Trinh T. M. Huynh
Electronic version: 15 Mar 2014
Abstract | PDF (1.2M)


In the 60s of XX century, German literature was widely known in South Vietnam. Works of famous writers such as Thomas Mann, Hermann Hesse, Heinrich Böll, Erich Maria Remarque... were translated and published. German literary translations had flourished from 1955 to 1975. This article introduces German writers and Vietnamese translations of their works in South Vietnam during 19541975. In particular, we investigate research related to translating and reading German literature, and evaluate the translation German literature in South Vietnam.

Learning about inner self dialogue language of the characters in story

Truyen T. Nguyen
Electronic version: 15 Mar 2014
Abstract | PDF (1.5M)


The paper clarifies issues related to inner self dialogue language concepts of the characters in story. After reviewing the origin, terms and concepts of inner self dialogue by Nguyen Thai Hoa, Le Ba Han - Tran Dinh Su - Nguyen Khac Phi, Katie Wales, M. Bakhtin, the paper introduces positions, expression and role of inner self dialogue in story language. In this paper, inner self dialogue is considered as characters' language and surveyed from the perspective of philology.

Poems by Thai Thuan - a concern between mandarin sentiment and poet spirit

Uyen L. T. L. Vo
Electronic version: 15 Mar 2014
Abstract | PDF (883.4K)


The La Duong posthumous of poet - Dr. Thai Thuan was one of the best peotries in the last half of the fifteenth century Viet Nam poetry. Posterity often say about his verses with truly emotions and optimistic spirit. But Thai Thuan's verses also have meditations and concerns of him about functionary's responsibility and confucian's quality. Poetries of Thai Thuan always have hesitance between his desire to help people by his talent and his desire to escape fame and wealth for back to simple life. This meditation derived from beautiful personalty of patriotic confucian.

A class of real solvable lie algebras such that their k-orbits are orbits of zero or four dimensions

Vu A. Le, Hoa Q. Duong, & Tuan A. Nguyen
Electronic version: 15 Mar 2014
Abstract | PDF (576.2K)


In this paper, classification of MD-algebras by maximal dimension of orbit in the co-adjoint representation firstly used by Arnal-Cahen-Ludwig in [1], we introduce a subclass of MD-algebras such that maximal-dimensional orbit is 4 in co-adjoint representation.