Nguyen Thi Diem Chau * , & Nguyen Minh Duc

* Correspondence: Nguyen Thi Diem Chau (email:

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Seven years after joining the WTO, Vietnamese agriculture sector has integrated increasingly into the global economy. With the process, changes in macro economic environment have also affected on production and consumption of Vietnamese agricultural products. Previous development strategies for increasing agricultural production such as expandation of cultivation land and intensification are facing to their limits. Climate change is happening, making more troubles to producers in production and business planning. Applying advanced technologies to improve quality and to raise values of agricultural products, alongside with enforcing adopting international standards and disseminating information on the adoption would promote Vietnamese agricultural products up to a higher level in the global market and also in domestic market. Production following advanced methods and technologies with clear and tranparancy standards also enable Vietnamese agriculture in reducing risks from market fluctuation and climate changes.
Keywords: agriculture, modernization, standardization, climate changes, sustainable development

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