Ngày xuất bản: 2023-08-03
Platform and e-commerce design for Indonesian family businesses
Bản điện tử:
03 Th08 2023
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The COVID-19 pandemic has required the adoption of digital platforms and e- commerce for family businesses in Indonesia. This digital transformation is not only crucial for their survival but also for their growth and long-term success. By embracing digital technologies, family businesses can adapt to the "new normal" reestablish their operations and capitalize on the opportunities presented by the evolving digital ecosystem. This article aims to provide an overview of the platform and e-commerce design for Indonesia family businesses. The data was collected from six family businesses through interview, observation, and focus group discussion method. The results have shown the development of two types of designs platform for e-commerce Indonesian family business including general platform designs and detailed platform designs. The general platform design aims to explain the components of the online platform, while the detailed platform design provides a more detailed description of the activities conducted on the platform.
Value-chain analysis of custard apple (Annona squamosa), with suggestions to improve farmers’ incomes in Tay Ninh province
Bản điện tử:
03 Th08 2023
| DOI:
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PDF (720.9K)

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Value-chain analyses from the production to consumption stages of custard apple (Annona squamosa) are discussed in this paper. Limitations to small landholders’ income through processes of the value chain and ways of improving the chain are described.
Value-chain methodology was applied on custard apple chain which include of actors in the Tay Ninh province in South-East (SE) Vietnam to assess limitations that occurred from the production to the consumption stage, then to develop strategies and make recommendations to enhance profitability for farmers in the chain.
The key findings of the custard apple value-chain analysis are: (a) Farmers and collectors/ wholesalers play a very important role in the chain; however, the processing factory is the primary factor that influences the whole custard apple chain; (b) Information about the market and prices governs farmers’ benefits and income; (c) Cooperation and coordination among farmers are the best means to reduce risk and loss if the price were to depreciate; (d) Interaction between custard apple producers and processing enterprises is necessary for a sustainable consumption system; and (e) Small-scale farmers are dependent upon the price of custard apple to mitigate risks.
Benefits and challenges in integrating service-learning of social sciences subject in higher education
Bản điện tử:
03 Th08 2023
| DOI:
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PDF (673.8K)

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Service-Learning (SL) is an educational approach integrating learning through experiences with community service. Several higher education institutions in Vietnam are gradually adopting this approach in recent years, although SL has been widely applied in the Western education system since the 1990s. By doing a narrative literature review, this paper aims to clarify the benefits and challenges of embedding SL in training social science subjects in high education, especially regarding mechanisms to promote participation among relevant stakeholders, including lecturers, communities and students. Through the analysis, the benefits of SL are well-equipping students with the basic knowledge of the subjects, methodology and commitment to civic responsibility. Service-Learning allows educational institutions and lecturers to enhance efficacy, effectiveness and performing social responsibility. Community members directly benefit from SL projects. Some challenges in applying SL include the need for clarity in distinguishing between volunteer work, internships and SL, resulting in the inaccurate assessment of the roles and the concerns of different stakeholders in SL. Regarding participation, there are two main challenges. The first challenge concerns organising work and effective communication between the community, universities and students. The second is about stakeholder engagement and their actual performance in SL cooperation. This paper proposes setting up an SL department as a facilitator for supporting lecturers, connecting relevant departments in the University and connecting the University with the community.
English Major Students ’perceptions towards positive Education
Bản điện tử:
03 Th08 2023
| DOI:
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PDF (556.1K)

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Positive education (PosEd) is considered the ideal model of the combination of the positive Psychology principle and well-being. However, the system of education in Vietnam has seldom applied this model in spite of facing a lot of problems in the school environment. The article aims to point out the positive changes in the environment of higher education in Vietnam as PosEd is implemented. The attitude of university learners is investigated to clarify how they accept this new model. Using the quantitative method with eighty-five students, Ho Chi Minh University Foreign Languages - Information Technology (Huflit) and Hong Bang International University (HIU), were selected randomly, the study is taken from the connection between positive education and students’ perception. The data collection through the survey expressed educators considers applying this to deal with many troubles in the school environment. The results demonstrate university students’ views approach this new model because of a lot of practical support. Hence, lots of adjustment and implementation to educational curriculums always bring expected learning outcomes more effectively.
A systematic review on flipped classrooms in English language teaching in Vietnam
Bản điện tử:
03 Th08 2023
| DOI:
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PDF (1.1M)

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The purpose of this research is to provide a systematic review on the flipped classroom (FL) approach in English language teaching (ELT) in Vietnam in terms of the trends and the key results, based on 12 published articles. A content analysis method was employed to analyze the collected papers. The findings indicated that the implementation of flipped learning appeared to gradually increase in Vietnam since 2017 and remain its prosperity in the higher education context. Also, the results revealed that a variety of research methods were used in selected articles; however, the most common one was the mixed method. Moreover, grammar and speaking skills were the two basic language skills being commonly studied. Additionally, the flipped learning was shown to not only produce an improvement on learners’ achievement but also positively affect their perspectives toward its application. The findings also pointed out some challenges and benefits concerning the utilization of the FC in ELT in Vietnam. Finally, some suggestions were provided to educators and future scholars.
Advantages and disadvantages of learning pronunciation in MS Teams classes: Perceptions of English-majored students at Van Hien University
Bản điện tử:
03 Th08 2023
| DOI:
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PDF (575K)

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Online classes have become important for all subjects, including pronunciation, because of the rapid advancements in science and technology, particularly during the Covid-19 and post-Covid-19 pandemic. However, Vietnam has produced only a small number of research articles on the advantages and disadvantages of online English pronunciation classes. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim of examining how English-majored students at Van Hien University perceived the advantages and disadvantages of learning pronunciation in MS Teams classes. The online survey method via Google form was used to collect data from students of three English pronunciation classes at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Van Hien University and received 131 valid answer sheets, of which selecting five students continued to participate in semi-structured interviews via telephone. The findings demonstrate that the benefits of class recordings were undeniable. On the contrary, in addition to technical concerns, students encountered other obstacles, such as learning environment issues and lack of direct contact.
The impact of social media as teaching and learning tool on higher education: A case study of Van Hien University
Bản điện tử:
03 Th08 2023
| DOI:
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PDF (553K)

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The COVID-19 pandemic has caused universities to switch from traditional to online teaching and learning methods. As a result, social media has gradually become prominent as a teaching and learning resource in universities. Vietnamese universities and institutes recognize the potential of social media as a powerful tool for promotion and teaching. This study examines the positive impact of social media use on (a) enhancing teaching and learning in universities, (b) motivating and supporting students, and (c) developing community connections and assesses limitations of social networks in student learning within the university context. A qualitative approach with explicitly utilizing in-depth interviews was employed to collect data from ten lecturers and 19 students of all faculties of Van Hien University. The results of this case study have shown the positive effects of social media: enriching the teaching and learning experience in higher education by inspiring and supporting student as well as promoting community connections. Integrating social media as a teaching and learning tool in higher education is part of the modern educational landscape.
Information Technology
Plastic additive manufacturing expert systems for small and medium automotives industries
Bản điện tử:
03 Th08 2023
| DOI:
Tóm tắt
PDF (795.9K)

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The additive manufacturing basic techniques are ideal for swiftly fabricating items and evaluating their functionality, making them ideal for fast prototyping. Lighting, automotive parts, consumer electronics as well as on-demand items are among the industries where it is most extensively used. Currently, there are various types of additive manufacturing processes and also various research of future processes. Each of the processes will give different results for the user’s product as various parameters are involved. Therefore, the process selections can become problematic and challenging since additive manufacturing requires specification and knowledge in order to create a product with the most suitable additive manufacturing process. This research will serve the purpose of providing knowledge of the additive manufacturing process through an expert system. Expert systems have been widely used in providing solutions and to obtain the knowledge of certain information. This study will take on the challenge of gaining sufficient knowledge in additive manufacturing pertaining to its selections which will be presented through the set of an expert system in the software MATLAB that is being used. The methods of obtaining the information and providing solutions will be the key structure for this research. Therefore, the expected result for this research is to provide knowledge information on additive manufacturing process and also for its process selections that will be set up from the expert systems applications.