Luu Hong Son *

* Correspondence: Luu Hong Son (email:

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Iser was a prominent representative of the reception theory – the Konstanz school. He built his theory with a profound understanding of and serious respect for the literary text during the receiving process. In the first period of his studying, Iser focused on the reading and processing the literary text, and discovered that, during the reception, not only did the readers re-create the text but the text also re-created the readers, in other words, the re-creation process happened in a two-way manner. In the second period, Iser studied why and for what readers seeked out literature, and concluded that fiction and imagination enabled people to extend or get beyond the limits of reality, empowering them to build their own inner selves and the world as a game, in which they freed themselves from the burden of all disappointments and restrictions in life.
Keywords: Wolfgang Iser, Konstanz reception theory, act of reading, act of fictionalizing.

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