Nguyen Vinh Khuong * , Do Thi Thu Lieu , Tran Thi Phuong Anh , Nguyen Thi My Giau , Nguyen Mai Han , & Ngo Thi Kim Mo

* Correspondence: Nguyen Vinh Khuong (email:

Main Article Content


The study investigated to contribute empirical evidence of the extent to which financial and non-financial factors affect board independence of listed firms in Vietnam. Based on the data from 80 listed firms on the Vietnam stock market in 11 years from 2007-2017, by quantitative research method. We concluded that financial and non-financial factors are affective board independence of listed firms in Vietnam. From the research results, it is recommended that listed companies have reasonable and effective corporate management policies, consistent with accounting policies at enterprises.
Keywords: financial, non-financial, board independence, listed firm.

Article Details


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