Tran Huu Truong *

* Correspondence: Tran Huu Truong (email:

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This article describes the factors of value chain analysis and clarifies the distribution of profits among the factors involved in the value chain of White Leg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in Can Gio District, Ho Chi Minh City. The study was carried out from July to December 2017 through primary data collection with 204 samples including factors involved in the chain in four of the communes of the district, An Thoi Dong, Ly Nhon, Tam Thon Hiep and Binh Khanh. Among factors in the chain,  the distributions of value added and income are different; the majority of value added are contributed mainly from farmer households (81.3%); a substantial part of profit in the chain belongs to processing enterprises (70.7%).
Keywords: value chain, net value added (NVA), White Leg shrimp, Can Gio

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