Ho Cao Viet *

* Correspondence: Ho Cao Viet (email: 505_hocaoviet@gmail.com)

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Maize cultivation on low effciency rice land in the Mekong River Delta (MRD) is a stratery of re. structure of crops sector of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD). How eficiency senerated from maize cultivation in the MRD is the critical question should be identified clearly in the stuch: The survey on 360 households who transferred rice land to maize cultivation in the provinces of Long An, Dong Thap and Hau Glang pointed out that the productive efficiency of maize fluctuated highly by the sub-agrecological regions and by the crops. The highest profit got from the Winter Spring and Summer Autumn maize crop and higher compared to alternative rice crop. The costs of maize production varies from VND million 29,0 to 35,7 per hectare per crop. The unit price varies from VND 3,500 10 5,400 per kg, at average VND 4,300 per kg. The cost of fertilizers occupies of 30.0 to 35.5 percent Of total casts. Labor cost is 38.2% in average. Of which, the costs of mechanization (hired machines) is from 3.0 to 8.7 percent, about VND million 1.2 per hectare. The cost of pesticides varies from 4.9 to 12.2 percent. The analssis of break-even point is at price of VND 4,300 per kg, and at 8.3 tons per hectare, total costs VND million 33.1 per hectare. The net profit generated per hectare at average of VND million 4.9. There is 28 to 49 percent of surveyed households get loss in maize cultivation because the costs of production is too high, meanwhile the selling price (at farm gate) is low and low yield of maize. The preliminary factors should be considered as scalling up of maize land-size: the mechanization level and a master plan for maize production, the appropriate techniques for optimize costs of production and yield of maize, the competitive buying price of maize and reasonable input-materials price.
Keywords: Mekong river delta, restructure, crops sector, hybrid maize, productive efficiency, net profit, unit price, break-even point

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