Frank Gerke *

* Correspondence: Frank Gerke (email:

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In the theoretical part of the paper; published in the Journal Of Science of the Van Hien University, No. 5, 11/2014, the author has described the development and formation of translation studies in Europe from ancient times until now. In order to proof the above mentioned theoretical foundation, in this practical part the author describes the process of translation taking the translations of poems. of the Ly Tran time as an example. This is a procedure which consists of several operations that penetrate each other and are regarded as basis of the intellectual knowledge and skill of the translator In order to prepare the translation, in the beginning the translator has to prepare the necessary means of translation such as dictionaries, material about the history as well as the literature of the Ly Tran time. The next step is that the translator should familiarize himself with the historical characteristics of that time as well as he should read materials about the poets he is about to translate and the background of their poems respectively. To achieve a accurate translation the translator shall also analyze the poems literarily before translating them. During the process of translation the translator will face problems, such as words or ideas that are hard to understand and, especially by readers with a different cultural background, and therefore not easy to translate, as well as historical circumstances related to the poem. It is the translators task to find ways to overcome these problems in order that in the end the reader will have at least a relatively perfect translation.
Keywords: translation process, translator, literature, poems of the Ly Tran time, dictionary, references, historical background, Background of authors and poems

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Sách Tiếng Việt

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