Hoang Xuan Loc * , Duong Ngoc Hieu , Tran Van Hoai , & Nguyen Thanh Dung

* Correspondence: Hoang Xuan Loc (email: 494_hoangxuanloc@gmail.com)

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Scientific visualization and information visualization are the interdisciplinary subfields that have attracted a great deal of attention in recent decades. In earlier time, visualization mainly focused on displaying and this was an essential tool for supporting to evaluate the simulation results. However, for bigger data, visualization has a greater mission to explore the data, concepts, relationships and processes within the data. Vietnamese traffic issues in big cities such as Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi Capital are paid attention a lot in many different aspects. In a few years ago, the bus transport was quite popular and has gradually become the main transport of the Vietnamese people. In this research, the authors focus on analyzing bus traffic data in order to build the time oriented bus data model. Basing on the data model, the authors develop an algorithm to solve the shortest path problem of bus routing in real time. Finally, by employing WebGL technology, the shortest path will be displayed visually on the 3D map

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