Le Huy Bac *

* Correspondence: Le Huy Bac (email: 485_lehuybac@gmail.com)

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Asserting on intertexuality, Julia Kristeva said that: "any text is constructed as a mosaic of quotations; any text is the absorption and transformation of another". From the theory of language game by Ludwig Wittgenstein, to the point of view Petit narrative, Grand narrative by Jean-François Lyotard, theory of discourse by Michel Foucault and Jean Baudrillard's simulacra etc. we can see that the postmodernists believe the world is The world of language which is built and presented by language. So all of existence in the nature and society is "texts" and all of texts also influenced by other texts. They never get the absolute independence. Therefore, intertextuality is the essence of existence and received by the receiving forever.

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