Tran Huu Ai *

* Correspondence: Tran Huu Ai (email:

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3G services open the door to conversations and data mining via high-speed mobile communications. However, the actual use via 3G speed is still below expectations. Therefore, it is important to understand the interaction of the data involved in the process of acceptance of this technology. Previous studies have shown that the observed variables such as convenience, efficient service quality, and diversity of services, perceived value and price are important factors in the acceptance of 3G technology. In this study the author examined the effects of these factors on the users of 3G services. The research results show/ reveal: 1) price, convenience and diversity are important in order to predict the perceived value, 2) the relationship between the diversity of services and perceived value through a convenient intermediate and 3) perceived value has a strong relationship towards the intention of buying.
Keywords: 3G technology, convenience, diversity of services, Feel values, new technology

Article Details


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