Bertrand Rusell * , & Minh Huy dich

* Correspondence: Bertrand Rusell (email:

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In the preface to first edition of the book Critique of pure reason, Kant wrote: "Human reason has this peculiar fate that in one species of its knowledge it burdened by questions which, as prescribed by the very nature of reason itself, it is not able to ignore, but which, as transcending all its powers, it is also not able answer". Since humans started thinking, they have always reflected about which their awareness and intellect cannot answer. Throughout the history of mankind, humans have struggled to find out the answer for the things that they have always thought about; however, when an answer was found, a number of another questions was raise which challenged humans' knowledge and ability. And from there, philosophy was born. In order to briefly introduce about the meaning of philosophy in humans' lives, a problem which is interested by a lot of people, I translate the final chapter The value of philosophy of the book Problems of philosophy of Bertrand Russell (18721970), a British mathematician and philosopher. He supposed that the most important meaning of philosophy is liberate humans from their daily needs; in other word, the freedom of will. Reading a book is like a conversation between an author and readers. I hope the readers will discuss with Russell about the problem that he talked about in his book.

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