Trinh Viet Then * , & Mai Thi Nguyet Nga

* Correspondence: Trinh Viet Then (email:

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Stress response of pre-school teachers in Phu Nhuan District, HCM City dil This paper discusses the current status of ability to cope with stress by pre-school teachers in Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City. 312 preschool teachers det of public, private and independent preschools took part in the study. The results show that preschool teachers choose 5 different ways of response when encoun-tering stress: cope with stress in a "proactive" way, seeking support, avoiding, defuse tensions, cope with it in negative way. To cope with stress in a "proactive" way was the kind of response preschool teachers used the most. In addition, the study also shows differences in the level of each way of responses to stress of pre-school teachers.
Keywords: stress of preschool teachers, coping with stress, stress response of pre-school teachers

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