Tran Hong Quan *

* Correspondence: Tran Hong Quan (email:

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The education system of Vietnam has not fulfilled its mission for the development of the nation. The inertia and the mentality of the centrally planned economy have created the situation that nonpublic universities are considered only as one of diversified models of higher education institutions, but not as important forces for higher education development. It is necessary to reconsider carefully and to make important policy decisions to alter the structural composition of non-public universities over the whole higher education system similar to the models of many highly developed countries, and even of some countries less developed than Vietnam. One of important solutions to promote development of non-public universities is the application of the economic problem. This must be seen from both sides: the government role and the investors' role. The existence of non-public universities must be recognized and they should be provided legal conditions to abandon the "application-approval" mechanism and to encourage participation of all social stratum. This is the naturally correct path of development.

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