Nguyen Van Cuong * , Nguyen Ngoc Thuy , & Pham Thi Nhien

* Correspondence: Nguyen Van Cuong

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The study conducted a survey of 180 coffee production households in Cau Dat of Da Lat city to analyze the production status, situation, awareness of the risk and response measures to cope with it in coffee cultivation of households. Descriptive statistical methods and comparison methods are used mainly in analysis. The results of the study showed that the number of households reducing the area of coffee production in the period of 2017 - 2021 accounted for a relatively high proportion, especially for Xuan Tho and Xuan Truong communes. Production households are affected by many risk factors, of which the strong impact factor is the market but mainly on the selling price, with the low cost of coffee not guaranteeing household income. In addition, unsecured labor resources also affect the continued maintenance of coffee production in households. The study also assessed measures to respond to risks in coffee production of farmers in the area, in which the necessary solution for farmers is to join cooperatives to help them improve their knowledge of pest management and ensure product consumption.
Keywords: Cau Dat, coffee, Da Lat, risks

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