Lê Phú Quỳnh Như * , Võ Thị Lê Na , & Lê Minh Sơn

* Correspondence: Lê Phú Quỳnh Như

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The survey carried out from November 2015 to January 2016, aiming at optimizing the spacing and amount of the nitrogen fertilizers applied on Chrysanthemum Vang He variety, Gia Lai province. The two-factor experiment was arranged with strip-plot design, following three replications. The horizontal factor included three spaces (A1: 10x16cm; A2: 12x16cm, A3: 14x16cm). The vertical factor included four rates of nitrogen fertilization being applied (B1: 120kg/ha; B2: 140kg/ha; B3: 160kg/ha; 180 kg/ ha). Results show that: the Chrysanthemum Vang he variety, at the 10x16cm space, increased its height, theoretical yield and yield of class 1 flower, nevertheless got smaller size compared to its growth in larger spaces. The height, number of flower and diameter of flower and productivity of class 1 flower that was applied at 160 and 180 kg/ha of nitrogen fertilizer is better than 120 and 140 kg/ha of nitrogen fertilizer. The results showed that the yield and economic efficiency was the best when Chrysanthemum Vang He variety was used at both of 10x16 cm space and 160kg/ha nitrogen fertilizer.
Keywords: nitrogen fertilizer, plant growing spacings, Chrysanthemum Vang He variety

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