Bui Van Mien * , & Le Trung Thien

* Correspondence: Bui Van Mien (email: mienbv@vhu.edu.vn)

Main Article Content


Jerky products from crocodile meat has been studied at the Faculty of Food Science and Technology, Nong Lam University, HCM City. With the process of processing technology developed by the research team, the crocodile jerky product has suitable moisture content at 18%, the good color value, the water activity and appropriate cutting force for the best sensory value according to defined quality. However, in order to achieve the high quality and stability of the products, the team used Response Surface Methodology using Box- Behnken design (BBD) with 3 independent variables: including temperature, layer thickness of material and air speed. The appropriate range of those variables was determined previously in experimental. The result indicated that the optimal air drying conditions for the jerky product were temperature of 6000C, the material thickness of 2.5 mm, and the air speed of 1m/s for 4 hours 30 min. The Crocodile jerky product has golden brown color, smooth surface and uniform structure. The optimal Products was vacuum packed and monitored for the storage process. After 4 months, the product has a peroxide index of 0.75 ± 0.03 meq/kg, maintained its natural flavor and the microbiological quality of the product, which is satisfied according to the regulations of TCVN 7049 - 2002.
Keywords: Jerky, crocodile meat, optimization air drying

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