Nguyen Thi Minh Hoa * , & Ha Tuan Anh

* Correspondence: Nguyen Thi Minh Hoa (email:

Main Article Content


Population aging is a global phenomenon that takes place in both developed and developing countries at different rates which is one of the most significant social change phenomena of the 21st century. Population aging is becoming one of the topics of concern not only in Vietnam but around the world. Using secondary data of international and Vietnamese agencies and organizations, the article focuses on analyzing and clarifying the aging trend in the world and in Vietnam through fluctuations in fertility, life expectancy, aging number, median age and potential support ratio. The study also pointed out some characteristics of the aging population in Vietnam such as: rapid aging rate, differs by region, rural aging is high and skewed towards women, the proportion of elderly people who continue to work is quite high and the number of years of healthy life is still low ect .. These give rise to a number of socio-economic problems, thereby proposing orientations to cope with the aging problem.
Keywords: Population aging, population aging tendency, Vietnam

Article Details


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