Vo Quoc Viet *

* Correspondence: Vo Quoc Viet (email: Vietvq@vhu.edu.vn)

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Thanh Tam Tuyen, member of the Sang Tao Magazine, has contributed to the development of modern Vietnamese poetry. Since his appearance, Thanh Tam Tuyen’s poetry continues to be new, fascinating and obsessive because the compressed reality of life has caused long debates. In recent years, Thanh Tam Tuyen's poetry research has become increasingly popular. Based on previous posts, we want to exploit the origins of Thanh Tam Tuyen's artistic concept - Dionysian Artistic concept. From that, the Art of Đen và Mọi have been formed and Thanh Tam Tuyen’s poetries have opened a deep section of the soul (sometimes it is the prohibition) that sunlight cannot reach.
Keywords: Dionysos, Thanh Tâm Tuyền, artistic concept

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