Vo Hoang Bac *

* Correspondence: Vo Hoang Bac (email: BacVH@vhu.edu.vn)

Main Article Content


In the context of managerial effectiveness, self-management is an important variable which helps employee fully accountable and responsible for making and keeping commitments to improve individual performance. This opens many opportunities and challenges for tourism and hospitality organizations of high power distance culture such as Vietnam to take advantages of well-performed employee to be competitive in the market. In an effort to help local tourism and hospitality companies to have an overview about employees’ behavior in working performance, this study examined the consequences of front-line service employee self-management in the tourism and hospitality organizations in HCM City, Vietnam. Employing the CFA and SEM analyses, the research findings indicated the positive relationships among self-management, psychological empowerment, self-efficacy; and these antecedents had a significant impact on job performance of Vietnamese employees. The study also points out useful managerial implications to help managers use suitable human resource management (HRM) strategies to gain employee self-management and job performance in tourism and hospitality industry
Keywords: self-management, self-efficacy, psychological empowerment, job performance, tourism and hospitality

Article Details


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