Ngo An * , & Truong Thi Thanh Tuyen

* Correspondence: Ngo An (email:

Main Article Content


Bac Lieu bird sanctuary is a species and habitat conservation area under the current classification of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural development (MARD). There are many potential and opportunities for ecotourism development due to its rich biodiversity, many plant communities and wild birds with large numbers of individuals. These wild birds concentrate on here for residence, nesting and breeding. However, the exploitation of tourism is not proportional with the existing potential, mainly spontaneous. On the basis of the literature related to the Bac Lieu bird sanctuary published, the author's practical experiences, the paper focuses on prospects assessment and propose some solutions to sustainable ecotourism development in the Natural Reserve (NR) Bac Lieu.
Keywords: Bac Lieu bird sanctuary, ecotourism, Bac Lieu tourism.

Article Details


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