Vo Van Tien *

* Correspondence: Vo Van Tien (email: TienVV@vhu.edu.vn)

Main Article Content


Service quality is still a new concept to those working in the telecom service industries in Viet Nam since it has not been identified as a mandatory factor in increase competitive advantage, especially are state owned companies as Ho Chi Minh City Telecom Company (HCMCTC). Although the company has implemented many surveys on the level of the customers’ satisfaction, the result has not yet reflected the comprehensive service quality offered by the company. This research aims to conduct an assessment on service quality at Ho Chi Minh City Telecom Company based on the SERVQUAL model under the form of dimension-by-dimension analysis. The outcomes would help the top leaders to have an identified and full picture about the current service quality. Consequently, solution will be provided according to the findings of the research.
Keywords: SERVQUAL, telecom service, customers’ satisfaction, Ho Chi Minh City Telecom Company, FPT telecom, CMC Telecom.

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