Nguyen Thi Tan *

* Correspondence: Nguyen Thi Tan (email:

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This paper illustrates findings from a case study of applying role-play in EFL classroom. Role-play in this paper does not refer to the traditional model; it is the variations of role-play when students are exposed to authentic situations inside and outside class based on the task-based approach. This is a small cohort of around 16 first year students about seven weeks. Qualitative approach is employed. Previous researchers’ theories about applying role-play worldwide have been displayed in the case when students overcome their fears, challenges and put more their efforts in speaking English with their peers in the class accuracy, fluency and confidently. In other words, through role-play application, students prove themselves in dealing with the uncertainty water of context changes when they communicate in English in actual situations as well as in their long life learning experience. Core factors contributing to students’ speaking achievement are students’ effort and motivation being recognized by role-play. The others could rely on their ability of conducting their speaking competence. This case concludes that role-play should be applied in EFL classroom in the context of Vietnam
Keywords: role-play, task-based approach

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