Nguyen Minh Xuan Huong * , & Nguyen Minh Duc

* Correspondence: Nguyen Minh Xuan Huong (email:;

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With monthly data from January 2008 to December 2013, this paper employed a time series analysis through co-integration and error correction model to identify linkages between markets in the value chain of catfish industry in Vietnam. The regression results found that effects of the export and the wholesale prices on the catfish farm price are insignificant statistically in short time but significant in long time. The farm price was estimated to increase 0,71% with an 1% increase in the price of previous month, ceteris parabus (c.p.). the farm price would raise by 0,2% and 0,19% respectively with an c.p. 1% increase in previous month price of wholesale and export markets. The research findings help catfish producers predict the flutuation trend in catfish farm price farmers based on the price change in wholesale and export markets.
Keywords: catfish, value chain, price, time series, econometrics

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