Hoang Thi Phuong Thao * , & Nguyen Dinh Binh

* Correspondence: Hoang Thi Phuong Thao (email: thao.htp@ou.edu.vn)

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The purpose of this study was to determine the importance of the marketing mix factors on students’choice of private universities. The survey of 326 first-year students of 10 private universities in Ho Chi Minh City was conducted. The results identified 7Ps of marketing mix that play important roles on students’ choice: people, price, physical evidence, program, place, process, and promotion. At the same time, this study explored differences of the importance levels of 7Ps on students’ choice among various groups of universities. The research results gave managerial implications in the field of educational marketing to remind the universities more focus on marketing mix to attract potential students.
Keywords: marketing mix, educational marketing, private university, students’ choice.

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