Ho Cao Viet *

* Correspondence: Ho Cao Viet (email: viethc@vhu.edu.vn)

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In Southern Vietnam, the lime crop was cultivated mainly in the Mekong delta and occupied 60 percent of whole lime area of the country. In which, lime area of Long An province was 5, 042 hectares (equivalent 27.3 percent) an supplied about 72 thousand tons yearly (Long An province’s People Committee, 2012). In recent years, lime export value of Vietnam are increasing and reach USD 3 billion USD 0,5 million of which was contributed from lime value chain in Long An (in the year 2014). Futhermore, lime crop is shifted from low-benefit rice areas, changing the cropping pattern to face with climate change, and improving incom of farmers in Long An. Howerver, lime chain in the province is dealing with both challenges and opportunities such as: high-quality standard from importers and world market, weak logistics services, high cost of production and low competitive unit price, etc. The survey and group discussion were conducted with the agents (67 farmer households, 4 middlemen and 3 exporters wer represented for whole lime chain) who involved in lime value chain in Long An province in the year 2015. The economic efficiency of each agent and whole lime chain was analysed basing on the costs of production. The SWOT analysis of whole chain was carried out in order to propose the strategic solutions and policy implementation for lime value chain of province.
Keywords: lime production, lime value chain, Long An

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