Nguyen Hoang Giang *

* Correspondence: Nguyen Hoang Giang (email:

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After the events of devaluation of the Chinese yuan- The State Bank of VN has adjusted the VND total of 3% and the exchange rate is also loosening up 2 times, from 1% to 3% - in order continue to actively lead the market, catch the adverse impacts of the possibility the US Federal Reserve is expected to raise interest rates in the near future. The central bank also sent messages that the VND will be stable, not only from the rest of the year but in the first months of 2016. Through these events, the following article will help us to look back policies exchange rate of VN in the past and analyze the impact of the adjustment of the exchange rate on exports on Vietnam's export, while making statements about the different perspectives around the issue in the most objective and positive way.
Keywords: integration, exchange rate, export

Article Details


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