Vo Hoang Bac *

* Correspondence: Vo Hoang Bac (email: bacvh@vhu.edu.vn)

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In the real estate sector, buying a house is one of the most important economic decisions that people make, and it requires the buyer to deeply collect information regarding to housing features. In an effort to provide a better understanding of customer behavior in buying a house, this study investigated the roles of housing features and housing service quality on a customer behavior. It also examined the role of housing features and housing service quality on customer service accept- ance. Using the CFA & SEM analyses of 305 respondents who had house buying transactions in the residential areas in the Ho Chi Minh City, the research findings indicated that housing features and housing service quality had the positive relationship with customer’s behavior and with customer service acceptance.
Keywords: housing features, housing service quality, customer behavior, customer service ac- ceptance, residential parks.

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