Nguyen Sinh Phuc * , & Trinh Quoc Viet

* Correspondence: Nguyen Sinh Phuc (email:

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The purpose of this study was to examine the abilities of emotional intelligence among 51 inpa- tients aged 18-60 years (20 male, 31 female) with a DSM-5 diagnosis of a major depressive disor- der. The methods used were The Emotional Intelligence Self-Assessment and The Beck Depression Inventory, 2nd Edition (BDI-II). The result showed that female patients had higher scores than male patients in the five abilities of emotional intelligence; Self-motivation’s average score was the lowest, while an average score of Social-awareness was the highest. In performance of abilities, there were differences between males and females, and severity levels of depression. Extroverted abilities showed lower level of emotional intelligence than introvertive abilities.
Keywords: emotional intelligence, depression, awareness, competence, social

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