Ania Lian *

* Correspondence: Ania Lian (email:

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Recently, due to the developments in medical technology, the field of neuroscience has been expe- riencing an unparalleled growth, resulting in many breakthroughs in the field’s understanding of how the brain learns and constructs information. The aim of this paper is to review the key findings of this research and propose implications for designing research in CALL. The findings are reviewed against the backdrop of a critique of current CALL research, which continues to show resistance to change and seems unable to offer new directions to second language (L2) pedagogues. This is a conceptual paper that hopes to inspire CALL scholars and postgraduate researchers to expand the traditional sources of the literature that define the scope of L2 studies and to integrate evidence from emerging research in order to modernise the field and its implications for practice.
Keywords: Neuroscience, Computer-Assisted Language-Learning, second language pedagogy

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