Yahya Wachid * , & Muhamad Wan Mansor Wan

* Correspondence: Yahya Wachid (email: wachidyahya@poltekindonusa.ac.id)

Main Article Content


The additive manufacturing basic techniques are ideal for swiftly fabricating items and evaluating their functionality, making them ideal for fast prototyping. Lighting, automotive parts, consumer electronics as well as on-demand items are among the industries where it is most extensively used. Currently, there are various types of additive manufacturing processes and also various research of future processes. Each of the processes will give different results for the user’s product as various parameters are involved. Therefore, the process selections can become problematic and challenging since additive manufacturing requires specification and knowledge in order to create a product with the most suitable additive manufacturing process. This research will serve the purpose of providing knowledge of the additive manufacturing process through an expert system. Expert systems have been widely used in providing solutions and to obtain the knowledge of certain information. This study will take on the challenge of gaining sufficient knowledge in additive manufacturing pertaining to its selections which will be presented through the set of an expert system in the software MATLAB that is being used. The methods of obtaining the information and providing solutions will be the key structure for this research. Therefore, the expected result for this research is to provide knowledge information on additive manufacturing process and also for its process selections that will be set up from the expert systems applications.
Keywords: additive manufacturing, expert system, materials, MATLAB, selections

Article Details


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