Wijayanti Anita * , Titisari Hendra Kartika , & Astungkara Agni

* Correspondence: Wijayanti Anita (email: itax_solo@yahoo.com)

Main Article Content


The COVID-19 pandemic has required the adoption of digital platforms and e- commerce for family businesses in Indonesia. This digital transformation is not only crucial for their survival but also for their growth and long-term success. By embracing digital technologies, family businesses can adapt to the "new normal" reestablish their operations and capitalize on the opportunities presented by the evolving digital ecosystem. This article aims to provide an overview of the platform and e-commerce design for Indonesia family businesses. The data was collected from six family businesses through interview, observation, and focus group discussion method. The results have shown the development of two types of designs platform for e-commerce Indonesian family business including general platform designs and detailed platform designs. The general platform design aims to explain the components of the online platform, while the detailed platform design provides a more detailed description of the activities conducted on the platform.
Keywords: design, e-commerce, family business, platform

Article Details


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