Le Dien Chau Anh * , & Nguyen Thi Thanh Ha

* Correspondence: Le Dien Chau Anh (email: ledienchauanh@gmail.com)

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Online classes have become important for all subjects, including pronunciation, because of the rapid advancements in science and technology, particularly during the Covid-19 and post-Covid-19 pandemic. However, Vietnam has produced only a small number of research articles on the advantages and disadvantages of online English pronunciation classes. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim of examining how English-majored students at Van Hien University perceived the advantages and disadvantages of learning pronunciation in MS Teams classes. The online survey method via Google form was used to collect data from students of three English pronunciation classes at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Van Hien University and received 131 valid answer sheets, of which selecting five students continued to participate in semi-structured interviews via telephone. The findings demonstrate that the benefits of class recordings were undeniable. On the contrary, in addition to technical concerns, students encountered other obstacles, such as learning environment issues and lack of direct contact.
Keywords: lack of direct contact, learning environment, learning pronunciation, MS Teams classes, technical issues

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