Le Chau Anh Le Dien * , Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hà , Nguyễn Thái Bảo Trân , & Đặng Thị Tuyết Trang

* Correspondence: Le Chau Anh Le Dien (email: ledienchauanh@gmail.com)

Main Article Content


Online testing is becoming increasingly common in Vietnam and the world, but the number of studies on the quality of this testing mode in Vietnam is still limited. Therefore, the current research was conducted in order to examine university students' perceptions of some main factors determining the quality of online testing. The online survey method via Google form was employed to collect data from students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of four private universities in Ho Chi Minh City and received 721 valid answer sheets, of which selecting ten students continued to participate in in-depth interviews via telephone. The results showed that the majority of participants highly evaluated the practicality of online testing, but they did not consider this testing mode very reliable and valid. In addition, the research results also demonstrated that online testing negatively affects students' learning and exam preparation.
Keywords: Online testing, practicality, reliability, vaidity, washback

Article Details


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