Dao Thong Minh *

* Correspondence: Dao Thong Minh (email: minhdt@vhu.edu.vn)

Main Article Content


The study found the factors affecting the buying trend of students in Van Hien University based on consumer behavior theory and TAM model. Data of the research was collected from 250 students through a questionnaire survey. Using the Cronbach alpha reliability and exploratory factor analysis (EFA), from 25 observed variables measuring factors that influence smartphone buying trends, the author has grouped them into five general factors for the regression analysis model. The results showed that: price, functional value, social value, beneficial value and individual characteristics are 5 factors that have positive influence and explain 59.7% of the change in the trend of purchasing smartphone of Van Hien University students.
Keywords: Van Hien University, smartphone, consumer behavior

Article Details


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