Luu Ngoc Trinh * , & Le Dang Minh

* Correspondence: Luu Ngoc Trinh (email:

Main Article Content


After the global economic crisis in 2008, Indonesia has pushed its trans-formation of economic growth patterns with a key objective to build a highly grown, balanced, free, democratic fair and stable economy in order to bring Indonesia into the list of 10 leading developed economies in the world by 2025. The content of the transformation is on the basis of critical renovation, limited interference of the state, reduced investment in non-renewable resources for export, quick move to the industries with higher levels of technology, incrementalmo values and less environmental pollution, the attention on equal development in the whole country and investment in technology science and education systems to improve the quality of human resources.
Keywords: economic crisis, Indonesia, the ASEAN region, the World Bank, Southeast Asia, economic growth model

Article Details


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