Trinh Viet Then *

* Correspondence: Trinh Viet Then (email:

Main Article Content


Stress of kindergarten teachers is a state of psychological tension that might arise in professional activities and life. This research aims at bringing out the level and the manifestation of stress, how to cope with the stress and the causes of stress for preschool teachers. It assesses the reality of stress of kindergarten yg teachers in Phu Nhuan District - Ho Chi Minh City, and proposes a number of measures to help the preschool teachers relieve stress in their professional activities and life.

Article Details


1. Nguyễn Thành Khải (2001), Nghiên cứu stress ở cán bộ quản lý, Luận án tiến sĩ Tâm lý học.

2. Lazarus R.S., Folkman S. (1984), Stress, appraisal, and coping, NY.

3. Trịnh Viết Then (2013), Nghiên cứu stress của GVMN trên địa bàn quận Phủ Nhuận – Tp.HCM, Đề tài nghiên cứu khoa học cấp trường Trường Đại học Văn Hiến.