Nguyen Thanh Trung *

* Correspondence: Nguyen Thanh Trung (email:

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In literature, magic is closely related to Magical Realism, particularly in One Hundred Years of Solitude, the 1982 Literature Nobel Prize of Marquez. Being used to received from the political and cultural perspective, One Hundred Years of Solitude is now discovered in a new way of ritual legendary criticism with two magical principles of similarity and contiguity on some levels such as image, structure and concept of life. On this base, this article redefines the roles, relationships, classification systems as well as the composition, basic nature of magic through comparisons made clear and evidenced by One Hundred Years of Solitude. This can be viewed as an attempt to redefine the basic theoretical issues of magic in literary view.
Keywords: magic, relationship, classification, components, One Hundred Years of Solitude

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