Matsuda Yukiyoshi *

* Correspondence: Matsuda Yukiyoshi (email:

Main Article Content


Along with the development and deepening of the Vietnam-Japan relationship, the need for Vietnamese human resources with a certain skill in the Japanese language is getting high in various fields. In this article, we will overview this phenomenon, then see how to cope with it, focusing on language education. First of all, the kind of industry is requiring Japanese-speaking human resources, both in Vietnam and Japan, was introduced. Then we will see the necessary language education to meet such needs, including the required level of language, the current situation of Japanese language education (in Vietnam and Japan), and the characteristics you can see when they try to acquire the Japanese language. We will then  consider the possibility of the development of language education as a conclusion
Keywords: Japanese, language education, Sino Vietnamese, Chu Han, Kanji, human resources, industrial park, tourism, IT engineer, care-giver, JLPT, study abroad, overseas study in Japan

Article Details


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