Nguyen Hai Dang * , & Nguyen Huy Bich

* Correspondence: Nguyen Hai Dang (email:;

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Currently, the crossflow coluum dryer has been applied widely for drying the paddy in Mekong river delta; however, the temperature and relative humidity (RH) of paddy drying are not the same at different positions. Some improvements for the crossflow coluum dryer have been carried out. An experimental investigation for paddy drying applied in the modified crossflow coluum dryer with reverving the flow of desiccant and seed has been done. The results indicate that with the same drying regime in this modified dryer, the temperature and RH of seed are mostly the same (the difference is below 1%). Furthermore, reverving the flow of seed during the drying process with the temperature and RH is simpler than it has been done by reverving the flow of drying agent.
Keywords: modified crossflow dryer, grain coluum inverter, reverse airflow drying

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